Performance Testing: Why it MATTERS

By Krista Harris | 23 March 2022
3 Minute Read

Is this you?

Do you rely only on your bathroom scales to tell you whether your training regime is delivering the results you want?

Whilst this may give you an idea of the influence of your training, it doesn’t tell you exactly what your hard-earned hours of training really do for you!

When it comes to your training performance, it is easy to read too much into that number on the scales, or being able to fit into an old outfit.  Such subjective measures do not give you a definitive measure of ow much your fitness has improved. 

That’s why performance testing is a fantastic way of evaluating your gym efforts, in a simple, objective, and accurate manner. 

Why is performance testing important?

Using gym performance testing you develop the ability to monitor whether your hard work is really leading to an improvement in strength and fitness, or whether you’re hitting a plateau in your training, even if your scales suggest otherwise.

You stand more of a chance of achieving your goals when you have a quantitative measurement to aim for, giving you more of an incentive and sense of direction when working your socks off in the gym.   

Not only this but performance testing provides a sense of a camaraderie between you and other members taking part. Sure, this will sometimes create competitiveness within the gym, but it will be in an environment where everyone wants you to do well and equally encourage your efforts throughout.

What our performance testing includes…

Here at Instinct we want to make sure we include the key movements of training to provide the most beneficial results from your training sessions. There will be 4 strength exercises and 1 cardio exercise to assess your performance. These exercises are as follows:

  • Deadlift (hip dominant)
  • Squat (knee dominant)
  • Bench Press (push)
  • Seated Row (pull)
  • Cardio (1km Row or 3-minute MMP test on the Wattbike)

These 5 key performance tests will show how well you are progressing against your fitness goals, in having something to work against in future sessions.  They also ensure focus on our training programmes within your sessions.

Don’t worry, these are all exercises that we use regularly in your sessions so nothing will be new to any of you and remember we’re with you every step of the way!

Where and when?

Testing will take place during your normal SPPT or one-to-one session and will be run by either Chris, Rich or Sam to ensure your safety and that you are performing to the best of your ability.

If you are an Open Gym or Classes member, we are offering a one off session charge of £25 to get a performance testing session done with us. Please ask one of the reception team to book you onto a testing session or email with any queries.

The first round of testing will begin on 12th December.

Do not worry if you did not do the first round of testing, you can  begin testing at any time!

We understand that for some of you this may be a daunting prospect so rest assured we will be there to encourage and help you with your efforts along the way. This as a great opportunity to prove to yourself that you’re capable of great things, and do you know what… testing can be fun!

Good luck and go smash it!

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